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Activitats al Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici

Estany de Subenuix

El Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici ha publicat el seu programa d'activitats pel període Gener-Juny de 2015.

Enguany el programa inclou entre moltes altres activitats interessants un curs sobre 'Ecologia i conservació dels estanys d'alta muntanya' organitzat per la...

Lake Closell recovers its natural transparency with LIFE+ LIMNOPIRINEUS action

Lake Closell 2015

Its transparency decreased due to the introduction of the European Minnow during the 80s. This fish predates on most lake autochthonous species causing a shift to a turbid state due to algal growth. This high mountain lake is located in Catalonia (Spain), within the Natural Park of Alt Pirineu,...

Layman's report

Informe Layman

The project launches the Layman's Report, a good summary of the actions and results of the project.

You can find it in the publications section.



LIFE networking workshop on fish and aquatic systems restoration

LIFE networking workshop on fish and aquatic systems restoration will feature as part of the sixth Iberian Congress of Ichthyology on 21-24 June 2016 (Murcia, Spain).

The congress, organised by the Iberian Society for Ichthyology, is a major conference for conservationists, researchers...

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